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Stategic Management
This material was compiled by Dr. June Palmer and RED & Training CC for the UNICEF Child Friendly Schools Program of the Northern Cape Department of Education to assist schools in becoming SCHOOLS OF FIRST CHOICE.
A word of thanks Dr. Palmer for the hard work and effort she put into the development of this material.
Jika Communication and Training welcomes you to this course, Strategic Management.
This course is broken up as follows:
Participants will attend 2 contact sessions (Session 1 will be 2 days and Session 2 will be 1 day, with 3 weeks of experiential on-site learning and application of what was presented in the first contact session.
Session 1 (1 day)
Ice breaker activity and a focus on theory which will be presented in experiential mode: in other words, participants will first engage in an activity, reflect on it and then discover the essence of the activity on their own, in pairs or in groups. Self-discovery is key to this course which not only guides learners through the content in activity-based methodologies, but also allows room for individual reflection which we feel is an invaluable dimension of embedded learning.
During day one, participants will after certain sections, complete activities in a separate workbook. The workbook will also include activities that have been planned for on-site (at school) application and reflection. These tasks performed while the participant is at work, will inform the next training session.
Session 2 (1 day)
The “homework tasks” are discussed and the next part of the course is completed, with participants completing their continuous assessment and reflection activities. This workbook is handed in and serves as part of the participants PDP. Within 4 weeks, workbooks are returned to us and we shall arrange for points to be uploaded to the SACE database.
Table of Contents
Unit 1: Demonstrating Personal Qualities Necessary for Effective Management
The Principal as Role Model for the School Community
Defining the Term Role Model
The Difference Between a Mentor and a Role Model
What is a Mentor
What is a Role Model
Unit 2: The Principal as Planner and Strategic Thinker
Strategic, Functional and Operational Plans
Plans Required for Schools
The Strategic Planning Process
School Development Planning
School Improvement Planning
Reporting and Feedback
Developing the Strategic Plan
Steps in the Strategic Planning Process
The Strategic Planning Model
Strategic Thinking Skills for Unpredictable Situations
Implementation of Strategic Plans
Unit 3: The Management Team’s Role of Motivating and Empowering Others
Motivation Questionnaire
Empowerment Employee Motivation in the Workplace Questionnaire
Unit 4: Seven Essential Principles of Encouraging and Empowering Others
General Rules to Follow when Empowering People
Steps to Follow when Empowering People
Unit 5: School Management Teams Operating as Teams and Not as Individuals